Advanced TPLO - The Next Level

Registrations are closed

Advanced TPLO
TheNext Level


This is an opportunity for the orthopedic surgeons with acquired experience in TPLO
procedure to review their current practice and upgrade to the Next Level.
Having achieved proficiency in performing TPLO for typical instances of CrCl impairment in
canines, are you prepared to confront more challenging cases?

This Master Course intends to examine the repair of Cranial Cruciate Ligament utilising Tibial
Plateau Levelling Osteotomy for dogs who exhibit concomitant patellar luxation, limb
deformity, and excessive slope of the tibial plateau. The treatment of such special conditions
necessitates precise planning and adaptations to the conventional TPLO methodology.
Another feature of this practical course is the opportunity to in deep discuss the different
challenges that the surgeon faces when performing TPLO. How the TPLO blade size and
cutting technique can affect the outcome, advantages and limitations of different plate
design, revision strategies and understanding and how to prevent the “rock back” are part of
this topics. Toy breeds and very large breeds peculiarities and specific techniques
adaptations will be also integral part of this course.
The course will consist in Dry Lab on plastic full limb models and Wet Lab on cadaveric
This course is aimed to surgeons with experience in TPLO that are willing to challenge and
improve their skills.

At the end of this course the learner will be able to:
Successfully perform a Tplo planning in a challenging case
Recognise the most relevant anatomical differences between different canine breeds and
critically select the best surgical technique
Discuss how the type of power tools and saw design affects the cutting technique and the
Recognise the most common complications related to the osteotomy procedure
Understand the criteria for implants design selection and relative size
Perform a cranial closing wedge associated to TPLO
Perform a correct inspection of intra articular structure in a revision surgery
Recognise the presence of residual joint instability after TPLO and, in selected cases, apply
an additional stabilisation technique
Recognise challenges related to rotation of the osteotomized fragment and discuss solutions
Discuss treatment options TPLO associated to limb deformities
Perform a correction of Tibia torsion associated to TPLO
Discuss post operative treatment and offer a prognosis for return to function
Successfully perform a Tplo associated with patella luxation
Discuss best options to treat haemorrhages emergencies
Create a personalised Check List to be followed during the TPLO procedure
Identify risk factors related to different breeds selected for TPLO procedure
Critically analyse post operative and Follow Up X-rays
Discuss outcomes with clients and suggest a case based post operative treatment and


Dr. Alessandro Piras

Alessandro graduated from the Turin University College of Veterinary Medicine in 1989. He completed his surgical training in the College of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Parma in 1993 gaining the diploma of Specialist in Veterinary Surgery.
In 1994 he spent an externship at the Canine Sport Medicine Center of the University of Florida and at the Hollywood Animal Hospital in Hollywood, Miami.
Alessandro is member of several scientific organisations, being involved in their boards and in the their didactic activities. Member of the AO Veterinary Expert Group from 2004 to 2010, International Chair of the Community Development Commission from 2009 to 2015, International Chair of the AOVET Education Commission from 2015 to 2021 and AO Foundation Trustee from 2011 to the present days.
Author of several chapter in different orthopedic books and textbooks, Co Author in several scientific papers.
After Co-founding and Directing the first Canine Sports Medicine and Surgery Hospital in Finland in 2019, Alessandro become Senior Educational Advisor for a large international Chain of Veterinary Hospitals and covered this position until April 2023.


Dr. Luca Vezzoni

Luca Vezzoni, DVM, Dipl. ECVS, GP Cert SAOS, GP Cert CanSpMed.
Graduated on September 27th, 2005 at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
University of Parma, with a graduation thesis on cementless total hip
replacement in the dog. Since the same year he started working at Clinica
Veterinaria Vezzoni in Cremona mainly dealing with surgery, orthopedics and
diagnostic imaging. In 2008 he spent a period of updating at Tufts University
in Massachusetts. In 2019 he became a diplomate of the European College of
Veterinary Surgeons after completing a residency program under the
supervision of Dr. Aldo Vezzoni for orthopedic surgery and Dr. Giorgio
Romanelli for soft tissue surgery. Vice-president of the Italian Society of
veterinary Orthopedics (SIOVET). Member of SCVI, SCIVAC ESVOT and AO
Vet. Since 2008 he has been author of several papers and lectures at national
and international conferences.

Dr. Vladislav Zlatinov

Degree in Veterinary Medicine in 2005, Veterinary Faculty of the University of Forestry, Sofia.
From 2009 to 2021 chief orthopaedic surgeon in Central Vet Clinic- Sofia, gathering his experience in the field of small animal orthopaedic and spinal surgeries. 2021-2022 working as free lancer- mostly second opinion referral cases. 2022-2023 worked as a chief surgeon in PetVet Orto, specialised vet clinic in Turku, Finland.In 2023 established the first specialised orthopaedic clinic in Bulgaria.
Co-founder and chair of the Bulagrian Association of Veterinary Orthopaedy and Trumatology (BAVOT). Co-organizer in the planning and conducting of over 20 regional and international seminars of BAVOT.
Frequent speaker at national and international orthopaedic forums. AOvet member and faculty.
Author of 15 publications in regional scientific journals (including online publications) - articles and clinical reports.
Main area of research and interest: reconstructive, limb-sparing surgeries, minimally invasive and joint surgeries, endoprosthetics.


Dr. Ivan Kalmukov

Ivan graduated from the faculty of veterinary medicine at Trakia university, Stara
Zagora, Bulgaria in 2009. After working a few years as a general practitioner vet, he
moved to the United Kingdom in 2014 to pursue further training. Ivan gained BSAVA
postgraduate certificate in small animal surgery, whilst working as an intern at
Fitzpatrick referrals in 2018. This was followed by a surgical residency at Fitzpatrick
referrals orthopaedics and neurology and AURA Veterinary, which he completed in
2022. In 2023 Ivan became a diplomate of the European College of Veterinary
Surgeons. Currently he works as orthopaedic surgeon at Blaise Referrals,
Birmingham, UK. Ivan teaches nationally and internationally as an external lecturer
at University of Surrey Vet School and Bulgarian Association Of Veterinary
Orthopaedics and Traumatology (BAVOT).

Participants: 16
Language: English
Price: € 1500 VAT incl.

Date & Time
May 10, 2024
Start - 8:00 AM
May 11, 2024
End - 6:30 PM Europe/Sofia

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гр. София 1618
+359 700 20 640
+359 878 737 833
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+359 700 20 640
+359 878 737 833

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